Monday, November 4, 2019


Located at Group 17 and Period 7 of the Periodic Table is one of the latecomers among all Halogen, which is discovered only at 2010. This is Tennessine.
Yuri Oganessian

First discovered in 2010 by the cooperation of Russian scientist team and American Scientist team led by Yuri Ogannesian. Tennessine was also first created ( not isolated, since it is one of the man - made element ) in 2010 also by the cooperation of Russian scientist team and American Scientist team.

The discovery of Tennessine is discovered by both Russian team and American team, the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory both cooperated in order to create Tennessine.

Actually, the idea of Tennessine has came up since 2004. After a few failure retries, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory finally announced the creation of Tennessine in 2010.

However, its name was only change until 2016, 6 years after discovery.

Tennessine is predicted to be radioactive, because it is in Period 7. So therefore, Tennessine is believed to be radioactive, according to the similar radioactive properties of the Periof 7 ( Francium, Radium, Actinium, etc. )

Tennessine doesn't exist naturally, like all Super - Heavy elements do, Tennessine was created by a nuclear reaction of Calcium - 48 and Berkelium - 249 with a Particle Accelerator, also known as a Cyclotron.

Nothing was known about Tennessine, since it has an extremely short half live isotopes. Moreover, Tennessine was just created not long and that not much information was obtained.

Atomic Number : 117
Name : Tennessine
Latin Name : Tennessine
Electrons per Shell : [ 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 7 ]
Discoverer : Joint Institute of Nuclear Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( 2010 )
Creator ( Not Isolator ): Joint Institute of Nuclear Research and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( 2010 )
Element's : Atomic Mass : 294 u ( estimated )
                  : Density : 7.3 g/cm3
                  : Type : Halogens
Chemical Properties :
Like all man - made Super - Heavy Elements, Tennessine's chemical properties is almost unknown because of its short half lives. However, this is what we know.

Tennessine Isotopes
  • 2 isotopes : Both of them are :
       Tennessine - 293 : Protons : 117
                                   : Neutrons : 176
                                   : Electrons :117
    ( Half Life : 20 milliseconds )

       Tennessine - 294 : Protons : 117
                                   : Neutrons : 177
                                   : Electrons :117
    ( Half Life : 51 milliseconds )
Physical Properties :
Just like Tennessine, the Physical Properties of Tennessine has not yet been known much. Mainly because of Tennessine's weak lived isotopes. However, this is what we know :
  • Highly Radioactive
  • Melting Point :550 degrees Celsius ( 1022 Fahrenheit )
  • Boiling Point : 610 degrees Celsius ( 1130 Fahrenheit )
    Radioactive Hazard Symbol
How Tennessine got its name?
Tennessine got its name from the United States Country Tennessee, where much research about Tennessine took place. Before Tennessine officially got its name, it was given the ' Unknown ' title, which is Unununium. It was only approved to be named Tennessine by International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ( IUPAC ) in Novermber 2016, 6 years later its discovery.

Like all Super - Heavy man - made elements, Tennessine almost have no uses at all. However, we know that Tennessine is still used in laboratory purposes, mainly to research and create another new Super - Heavy element.

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